
I had four days on my own in Niederau, Austria. I loved the hostel I stayed at but I was the only person there, so I had some nice alone time walking around during the day and being lazy at night. It was similar to Switzerland with all the beautiful mountains and green hills and paragliders. And I got there just in time, it was the last night of a local beerfest in the valley, so I got to take part in that and meet some nice locals :) Sadly, I didn’t have my camera on me so I have no photos of that night, but here is what I do have.

I miss mountains already.

So, change of plans…again. Martin has to stay at home to work, sooo I won’t be going to Iceland for two months. I’m not ready to stop traveling since I’m only part of the way in, so I may head to southeast Asia early. I leave Czech for London on the 23rd and my friends in the band o’brother will be there playing some big shows, so I get to go to the Leeds and Reading Festivals with them!

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