Emotional Landscapes…

Iceland! I love it here. I think it’s the only time/place I’ve been at peace with the cold and rain. So far, the weather here has alternated every other day, one day sunny, the next day rainy. After today it’s supposed to be beautiful for a few days in a row.

It just feels magical here for some reason. Martin works during the day and I wonder around Selfoss or snuggle up on the couch with coffee at our bed and breakfast reading or editing photos. I found out that one of my friends from Atlanta is going to be here in about a week, which I’m soo excited about. They’re renting a car and driving around the entire island and I may get to tag along :) I’ll be here for about a month before flying to (surprise!) Hawaii! I had to make a quick decision about where to go next and Hawaii is one of my favorite places on earth. Iceland may be high up on the list as well, I can’t wait to see the more of the country.

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