Leaving Kauai

Today I fly home! Mixed feelings about it for sure. I can’t wait to see a large group of friends and family, and I’m lucky that I’ll get to do some work while in town (assuming my car will still run). I am NOT looking forward to being “stuck” in one place for two months though. I already know that I’m going to go crazy being back in my hometown for so long, which seems ridiculous when I think about the fact that I lived my entire life there before leaving for this trip. I guess I just want to keep moving. Going on this trip has been the best thing I’ve ever done, and this year has easily been the best of my life. Fortunately, I know I’ll stay really busy in Atlanta while I’m there, and at the beginning of January I’ll be off again! I have no idea where to yet though. Have to figure that part out over the holidays. Anyways, if you’ve kept up with me I really really appreciate it, and I’m always looking for travel friends if anyone is inspired to up and go with me :)

Here is another small video from some of my time in Kauai. Sadly, I spent the last few days here sick, so I didn’t get to do some of the awesome things I had planned. At least I know I’ll be back here before too long! I would miss everyone too much not to at least visit…

Kauai from christy parry on Vimeo.


Aloha for now..

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